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Aikido Articles written by Club Members

Attending a course

(Bit like in your club but bigger!)

Prerequisite for a course is generally the basics of stance, posture and being able to roll. Don't have to be perfect but a grasp so that you can attempt what is shown is useful.).

A course is a chance to broaden your experience and to see variations, often interesting.

Turn up in good time to help with setting up; and also help to clear teh dojo at the end..

Don't forget your weapons.

Don't forget your blue Membership book to be stamped up as attending the course.

Like all classes, no jewellery (or taped over), short nails, clean gi and high personal hygiene standards.  Footwear to the edge of the mat.

Follow what Sensei shows. (Not reverting to what you think you have seen or that you are already used to). 

This is an opportunity to practice with others rather than with your own club members.  (The more you practice and the more people you practice with your aikido will develop as you become adept to vary and be flexible.) 

Bowing to someone to practice – it's bad etiquette to ignore this.

Introducing yourself to the person by name if you are practising with someone new to you. (Debatable).

Try to practice with higher grades so that you learn quicker. 

Don't tell a higher grade they are doing it wrong even if they are.

Customary to practice four moves and then bow to your partner for their turn.

Practice alternate sides.

Let a high grade go first. It's etiquette. It's also a sensible so that you can get it sorted, right your mind, for when it's your go.

Don't chat.

Territory - the mat doesn't have reserved areas. Dan grades can tend to practice to the right of Kamiza because of the line up to bow. But that doesn't/shouldn't stop kyu grades practising with Dan grades.  You could actively seek them out




Permission to leave or step onto the mat the mat should be sought. Wandering off the mat on whim is bad form unless Sensei has directed otherwise.

Work your way round the mat practising with all, don't have favourites.

Be aware when Sensei is practising near you and give him space for his demonstrations. Watch close up, this is an opportunity to pick up further points.

Hydrate well between sessions

Don't choose what you practice or not. Unless injury prevails.  The least favourite of your moves should be practised till it becomes a favourite.

Trafford Aikido Published 2016


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john - shihonage